How much can you remember from your childhood? Say, when you were eight years old? It may be a bit fuzzy, but this is where we meet the hosts of Late in 88, Bronwin Parks and Elinor Svoboda. They travel back to grade four; a time when they both identified as tomboys but never really understood where they belonged. Through discussing their shared challenges surrounding gender identity and queerness, they arrive at the question: what if they would have been friends? Would it have made a difference? They take turns recalling the pertinent moments of these formative years and invite old classmates, Kate, Amanda, Shalini, and Dave, to join the conversation.
Episode Resources:
- My Kid is Gay (organisation)
- The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes (book – adult)
- Born This Way (book – kids)
- A Quick & Easy Guide to Queer & Trans Identities (book – kids)
- SOGI Film and Video resources
- Brené Brown on Empathy (video)
For a complete list of 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations and resources visit: https://latein88.com/resources/